andie nachgeborenen wrote:
> Oh, hell, everybody knows we'll leave the way we did
> in Vietnam; we'll Iraqize the war without really
> pulling out, Bush won't give up and Rove wants to
> stick the Dems with the war after Bush is gone; the
> Dems won't withdraw completely because they're afraid
> of being Soft On Defense and Losing Iraq blah blah
> blah; and eventually when things finally go completely
> blooey, probably aroud 2011, we'll leave with the
> helicopters lifting off the embassy roof.
The unexpected always happens, but barring the unexpected, what Justin presents here is the best-case scenario, though even as best case I would add two years -- 2013. But first someone has to order the bombing of Iran.
Iraq _really_ is different from Vietnam. No one has used the phrase, but "falling dominos" would probably actually apply in this instance.