--- Andy F <andy274 at gmail.com> wrote:
> What I always loved about German radio was its mad
> eclecticism
> compared to US radio even then. They'd play the
> Stones, then "Kung Fu
> Fighting", then Peter Schilling, then ABBA, then
> some acid house, some
> oddball folky thing, all with a liberal sprinkling
> of The Hoff... I
> guess it doesn't sound that great compared to a good
> college station,
> but man, this was what they had for commercial
> radio.
> I'm sure Angelus will insist that it's always been
> like Clearchannel.
Yeah, and it is probably full of coded anti-Semitic slogans that only Angelus can hear. Like, "Ich kann nicht ohne dich leben" really means "The Jews Are Plotting in a Cemetary in Prague! The Jews Are Plotting in a Cemetary in Prague!"
I had forgotten about Groenemeyer. I used to have a tape of his. Oh, and my aunt gave me a tape of some local band singing in Swabian.
Lyubo, bratsy, lyubo, lyubo, bratsy, zhit!
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