[lbo-talk] Police brutality

Dwayne Monroe idoru345 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 16 10:40:30 PDT 2007


The cops shoot the poor guy without first reading him his Miranda rights. Outrage! I hope that there will be a protest against this hideous act of police brutality.




How long will you abuse our patience, O Catiline?

Is this the very best you can do?

The same sort of cheap shot, 'liberals love criminals', self satisfied belly scratching we can get from any member of the talk radio multitude, 'conservative' bloggers, grumpy old men with little better to do and random nitwits opining in barbershops?

Do you really believe any rational person would argue that the police should shout miranda rights at a man who's killing people?

I try to focus on the interesting things you contribute here and ignore the carping but then you go totally jackass on us and make it extraordinarily, almost excruciatingly difficult.


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