[lbo-talk] Rethinking Liberalism

Brian Charles Dauth magcomm at ix.netcom.com
Fri Apr 20 19:18:55 PDT 2007

> While appealing to left theology and dogma, this strategy
(which has been the main one used by all tendencies of the US left for decades) shrinks and isolates the left at all turns possible.

And shrinking away from homophobes is a bad thing? What an interesting brand of leftism to unite with those who would destroy me. If I were a self-loathing queer I might just try it.

> The left in the US, by being unwilling to ally with or otherwise
engage with any individual, organization or social grouping that already has the same position as the left on all forms of imperialism and other evils, ensures that it is only allowed to talk to, oh, say, .5% of our own population.

I do not think that there has to be complete agreement, but homophobia does seem to be something that most leftists would want to distance themselves from. YMMV.


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