[lbo-talk] Dobbs on Democracy Now

John Gulick john_gulick at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 5 06:54:54 PST 2007

Alex Hogan sez:

When she gets a Greenspan or Lou Dobbs to come on her show, she too often acts like she is a college protester who has just cornered some bad guy who came on campus and she only has a minute to confront him with his crimes before she gets dragged off by security. John G sez:

Alex you really struck a chord here... uncomfortable (and uncomfortably distant) memories of Oberlin College 86-90 come to mind. It makes being an unwilling expatriate exiled from US left-liberal culture all the more comfortable...

To be fair to Ms Goodman, though, these establishment white guys carry a certain aura of social power with them no matter the context... they are able to imperviously bulldoze and bluff their way through "tough" interviews even when they are in the lion's den. I guess that is the flesh and blood meaning of cultural hegemony.

John G Akitacity Tohoku JP 010-1211 _________________________________________________________________ Your smile counts. The more smiles you share, the more we donate.  Join in. www.windowslive.com/smile?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_Wave2_oprsmilewlhmtagline

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