Musically, here's a list of ten albums and singles I liked in '07:
I ended up swapping out two of those singles [guess which] for Fucked Up's 'Year of the Pig' and Skull Disco's 'Fear' [which is I guess yet another excellent Shackleton single.] Overall, a kinda lame year for music in which many of my favorite bands [Fiery Furnaces, Liars] put out albums I didn't especially care for, and it made me hate making a year-end list more than usual [professional hazard.]
Lastly, I'd like to wish LBO happy holidays! Let's make '08 the lamest election year ever! I can't wait for Huckabee to get sued by David O. Russell for pulling a 'Born in the U.S.A.' with I Heart Huckabee. That's gotta happen, right?
Cheers, J T.