> he is pretty damn talented, musically. just look it up on wiki. it's the
> raw sexuality he oozes that few other male performers ooze. sensual. i
> couldn't actually think of a male performer who makes you want to fuck
> them. he's the only one. there are ones who are cute, who you'd like to
> date: but hot sweaty fucking? there isn't anyone else that i can honestly
> think of. they're just attractive; they don't ooze sex. and his commitment
> to working with lots of women in his bands, as well as helping them get a
> start in their own right. and the eyelashes. the eyelashes.
> i'd blow 'im.
Peter Murphy of Bauhaus & his solo career.
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We're a virus with shoes, that's all we are.
-Bill Hicks on humanity