[lbo-talk] Marx and Religion

BklynMagus magcomm at ix.netcom.com
Tue Feb 27 07:57:43 PST 2007

> There are plenty of non- and anti-religious people in the world.
Are we betraying our genetic inheritance?

Maybe religious belief is like sexuality and people fall along a continuum, sometimes changing positions during the course of their lives. Fundamentalists are dangerous whether they are religious or sexual.

> Unlike Yoshie, I've actually gone through a couple of religious
phases in my life (always Catholic).

Wait until you try Queer Dionysian.

> "The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people
is the demand for their real happiness."

But I find nothing illusory about Buddhism. In fact, Buddhism forces a person back into the world and away from illusions: no creator god; no taking things on faith; a determination to decrease suffering that occurs in the world. Sounds like real happiness to me.

> To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to
call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.

Buddhists would say that is giving up a life in samsara.

Did Marx know anything about Buddhism or other non-Western traditions or was he speaking only of Abrahamic traditions?

Brian Queer Dionysian Seeking an End to Suffering Through the Awakening of Consciousness and Sexuality

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