I personally am still a huge fan of Mini-Disc recorders. I have a Sony Hi-MD I use for all of my journalistic work - interviews, field recordings etc - and it doubles as a playback mechanism for music. I use it all the time, and the 1 gig disc media for it are extremely cheap. No iTunes DRM restrictions with Sony's uploading software these days either.
Point in mentioning this is that there are enough portable media - software, playback and recording devices out there - to walk around all of the ideological and media ownership problems generated by iTunes. MDs aren't nearly as prevalent in the US as they once were, (still very popular in Europe and Asia), but they're still very easy to find. Recommended.
Best, Joel
On Jan 6, 2007, at 9:29 AM, Tayssir John Gabbour wrote:
> <http://www.lessig.org/blog/>
> So speaking of iPods, right now Lessig's blog lists iTunes as a
> commercial and "read-only" environment. Well, iTunes is the default
> gatekeeper to iPods, and it's maybe worth being aware of that...
> Tayssir
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