andie nachgeborenen wrote:
> Ah, the heart speaks. No intermediaries, no thinking
> or forethought. Soft-focus, happy nude people running
> towards each other in a field under a blue sky. (like
> that's not a script.) Apparently, however, your heart
> says that if someone gets off from doing something
> other than getting naked and putting tab A into slot B
> that they Are Not Free. If their heart calls for ropes
> or nurse costumes or whatever, they are Prisoners.
> Bound. And you disapprove. Bondage is Bad. They should
> do it Your Way.
My right elbow hurts too much for me to develop any of the complications here, but the core is as Justin's sarcasm suggests: attempts to circumscribe freedom with individually decreed principles such as "freedom cannot be scripted" are vicious. The underlying principle of such attempts is a hierarchy of "real human" worth. Some people are more human (more "free") than others. A sneer at 'scripted' freedom is a sneer at people and is implicitly totalitarian.