But apparently you weren't surprised when Andie wrote "Probably most people who are not knowledgeable about BDSM don't grasp this distinction. They hear "sadist" and they think of Dr. Mengele or Torquemada, not Brian Dauth.'
This is Charles point exactly. I don't know if Charles has a difficult time making this distinction himself but it appears he does. [JT]
^^^^ CB; Hey, guys, don't be too sure Charles doesn't understand you better than you understand yourselves.
Neither of you can be sure that many "nice" sadists wouldn't feel pleasure even if the person upon whom they inflicting pain did _not_ consent. Brian, what's your proof that a sadist in your club who broke the rule requiring consent from the masochist wouldn't also enjoy inflicting pain on someone who didn't consent ? Have you done an experiment ? Or what's your proof that Mengele wouldn't enjoy inflicting pain on someone who consented to it, making him like you in that regard ? :>)
Do you have a difficult time grasping all that ? :>)