[lbo-talk] Pleasure, Pain and All that Jazz

andie nachgeborenen andie_nachgeborenen at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 11 08:17:20 PST 2007

> > One of the unattractive things about it in fact is
> the willingness of those who practice it to gloss
> over the
> sometimes unpleasant realities of that power.
> And these unpleasant realities are? And how are
> they overlooked?

Don't subs also practice kink. And there is a total failure to recognize the extensive discussions, which I have never encountered in ordinary sex of the vanilla sort, about what's OK and what's not, extending in some cases to negotiation of written contracts. (See Venus in Furs.) Kinksters are the only people I know who actually practice "Antioch Rules." Is this OK? What about this? Stop! OK.

Also the idea that the rich, socially superior Dom(me)s take advantage of poor, ignorant subs. Far more likely it is rich, socially superior subs essentially engaging the services of professional or anyway relatively poor because marginalized subs to do them a favor, don't you think, Brian?

Personally subs might well resent are brainwashed and that the "yes," please, do that" that they offer to allow activities (pre-negotiated in almost all cases from my understanding) doesn't count. This is pure MacDworkinism, like their claim that women;s consent to (vanilla) sex doesn't count because all women are brainwashed by the patriarchy and their objectively socially subordinate position renders them incapable of real consent. There are issues here, but this is condescending, arrogant, and insulting. AS well as ignorant.

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