[lbo-talk] Re: Purer Than Thou

Chuck chuck at mutualaid.org
Tue Jan 23 15:25:56 PST 2007

Doug Henwood wrote:
> On Jan 23, 2007, at 5:31 PM, Andy F wrote:
>> Yeah, no shit. Somebody went and tried to Do Something, wound up
>> making large chunks of the means of production all commie-like, and
>> gets cut down for being too idealistic. I can't help but take note.
> Oh, so communism requires consumers to do more work. Where do I sign up?

More like anarchist. Stallman has been described as an anarchist and the

FOSS movement has been described as an example of anarchism in action.

I'm working on an article about this, so stay tuned.

Oh, the comments here about techies are mostly well-placed. I'll try to overlook the obnoxious comments about geeks deserving the current job market. The state of the tech job market hurts people like me more than it does the techies who make lots of money. People like me who worked for nonprofits and dedicated our time to supporting activist tech networks were fucked when the market tightened and our skills weren't as up-to-date as the guys and gals who did tech for dot-coms.

Geeks have a bad attitude towards users. Digg or Slashdot had a link last week to an article about the need for geeks to improve their attitudes and adopt a code of ethics. I'm one of those geeks who doesn't like to muck around in code or putting computers together. I want my software and websites to work so I can use them to do other work. At the same time, I can understand the very anarchistic geek attitude that people should understand the technology they use.

Let me use a sports analogy. Sports fans spend a great deal of time reading about their teams, analyzing stats, and talking nuts and bolts about coaches, players and teams. If sports fans were like your average computer user, they'd be mostly uninformed fans who spent their time calling the sports geeks and asking them why the team wasn't working.

Your average sports fan is very opinionated about coaches or players being brilliant or sucking. It would be good if these guys could be as outspoken and knowledgeable about technology (and washing the dishes).


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