At 11:07 AM 7/5/2007, you wrote:
>He folks
>This is a serious thing.... Let me get a few things out of the way, first.
>I do not hate the US, I don't think the US should be attacked. I think it
>is a great place to live; as great as any other country I have lived in...
>I will write this in the simple way my mind works:
>A close friend asked me to attend a 4 July Fireworks display.
>My immediate response: I hate triumphalism. It's not really 'my' holiday.
>Don't care. Have too much work to do. I went anyway; for the experience
>and because I wanted to spend some time with same friend.
>The display was on a military base.
>I am uncomfortable among military types. Don't like bravado, displays of
>militancy, national pride etc... Damn offensive; I went anyway; for the
>experience and because I wanted to spend some time with same friend.
>The experience and inevitable argument
>I stood in line for almost an hour - to buy something called an 'elephant
>ear'.... Bile rose. I starting looking at the obesity, gluttony... the
>"hu, hu, hu, hu" evertime something patriotic was said of the tannoy, head
>dropped with the anthems and god bless america... by the end of the night
>i was livvvvvviddddddd!!!!!! Friend was hurt.
>Two Questions:
>How irrational am/was I?
>While I certainly think everyone there was a fascist, it was difficult to
>find someone who was, at least, subdued, and not dressed in some
>quasi-military/military garb, who did not get a thrill from the 50+ canon
>shots for each state... etc etc...
>Friend suggested that my anger at obesity; the fact that I even
>looked/stared at people who were enormous, made me 'one of the people who
>cause people to be anorexic'. That I victimised 'fat people'... HUH!!!
>While I though the latter was bollocks? What's is up with this narrow
>analysis? Obesity is one thing! Anorexia is another! Whilethey're both
>social phenomena, they are caused by different pathologies.... anyway, we
>were both upset (by my self-rightous arrogant self)
>Any/Every thoughts?
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