[lbo-talk] The Problem of Conspiracy Theorists at the Anti-War Meeting Yesterday

Robert Wrubel bobwrubel at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 13 16:41:33 PDT 2007

Alexander Cockburn has made the case against 9-11 conspiracy believers pretty strongly (a departure from his usual contrarian take on things), but the charges he makes against the gullible cant be made against someone like David Ray Griffin.

There are elements in our government that have carried out assassinations and false flag operations before this, and it's not beyond the realm of the possible that they were involved in 9-11. At the very least, they could have known the attack was coming and chosen not to prevent it.

I dont see anything wrong with contemplating such a possibility, or seeing that a ruling class, when backed to the wall, is capable of such dark deeds, as long as it doesnt become the end point of one's analysis.

I've seen Dr Bob Bowman in public, and he may not be the kind of person I'd enjoy spending an evening with, but the "Patriot" platform he describes below doesnt contain much that I dont agree with. If you believe there's any hope of saving this country through its existing political institutions, these are all things you would have to accomplish.

BobW --- Yoshie Furuhashi <critical.montages at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 7/11/07, C. G. Estabrook <galliher at uiuc.edu>
> wrote:
> > We're having similar experiences in our local
> anti-war group, but I'm
> > actually a bit more concerned about "Americans
> Against Escalation in
> > Iraq," a well-funded Democratic party front. Nell
> Lancaster writes
> > correctly about AAEI in her blog, "these
> organizations aren't led by the
> > grassroots, but by electoral operatives. They
> don't want to end the war;
> > they want to get it out of the way as an issue."
> --CGE
> On 7/11/07, Robert Wrubel <bobwrubel at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > Yoshie: why not 9-11 conspiracy theorists? The
> > anti-war position or movement is multi-layered.
> The
> > deeper you go with it the more solid your
> opposition
> > should be. On the most superficial level the
> > Democrats say the war was "mismanaged". The next
> > level down would be popular demands to bring US
> troops
> > home. Neither of these levels touch the morality,
> > legality or causes of the war, nor the issue of
> > permanent bases in Iraq, nor the possibility of a
> new
> > war with Iran. The deepest level is opposition to
> the
> > entire political/economic complex that produces
> wars,
> > and many 9-11 conspiracists are on that level,
> though
> > not all.
> The deeper they go in, the weirder they get. On the
> overlapping
> fringes of the Democratic Party and the "9/11 Truth"
> conspiracy theory
> movement are men like "Dr. Bob Bowman," whom
> Columbus 9/11Truth.org
> ("This Thursday, July 12th: Dr. Robert Bowman's
> Patriot Tour,"
> brought here yesterday and who will be speaking in
> Cleveland today
> according to the speaking tour schedule on the man's
> Web site.
> Wikipedia says that he has been active in Veterans
> for Peace and
> Vietnam Veterans against the War (is that true?) and
> endorsed John F.
> Kerry in 2004 (at
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_M._Bowman>).
> But Bowman's Web
> site shows him to be not just a nut but a right-wing
> populist nut
> against amnesty for "illegal aliens" among other
> things (see below).
> I don't know how wide the aforementioned overlapping
> fringes of the DP
> and "9/11 Truth" are, but the fringes are apparently
> wide enough to
> support the nationwide speaking tour of men like
> Bowman.
> It is unlikely that nothing I or anyone else may say
> to them will
> change their minds, for they are not "ignorant" --
> rather, their minds
> are so clogged with half knowledge that nothing else
> can go into them.
> What's their function? Perhaps to make mainstream
> Democrats look sane
> and to keep the fringes ranting and raving for
> impeachment of Bush, et
> al. (<http://www.thepatriots.us/pg_02_send.html>).
> <http://www.thepatriots.us/>
> The Patriots
> By Dr. Bob Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret.
> The United States is in trouble. We're in danger of
> becoming a fascist
> dictatorship where big government and big business
> combine to rule,
> and where the people are considered just a source of
> labor. The
> marriage of government and the investor class has
> succeeded in
> exporting our jobs, importing illegal aliens to
> provide a pool of
> cheap labor, and thus driving down wages for all
> American workers and
> destroying the middle class. Their foreign and
> military policies have
> led us into unnecessary wars of aggression to gain
> raw materials and
> enhance profits of the global robber barons. Their
> trade policies have
> resulted in capital flight, job loss, trade
> deficits, and the
> ownership of much of our infrastructure by foreign
> interests.
> We've gotten into this fix because our presidents,
> of both parties,
> have been servants of the global investors, and
> because our
> representatives in Congress, again of both parties,
> have abdicated
> their Constitutional responsibilities and subjected
> themselves to an
> imperial presidency.
> A "patriot" is defined as one who loves, supports,
> and defends his
> country. The Latin and Greek roots refer to
> "father." If, for a
> moment, we ignore the sexist nature of the ancient
> civilizations
> giving birth to the word, it is clear that to be a
> "patriot" is to
> have a parental love for the people of one's tribe
> or nation. One
> cannot have a "patriotic love" for the corporations
> in one's country
> or for its military-industrial complex, only for its
> people. Clearly
> then, those in our government who have served their
> corporate masters
> to the detriment of the people are not patriots, and
> have no claim to
> the word. The vast majority of Americans love our
> country in ways that
> equate to service to the people. We are the
> patriots.
> Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution
> make it clear that
> the whole purpose of government is to serve and
> protect the people..
> Ours is a government designed to be "of the people,
> by the people, and
> for the people." We, the Patriots, have a right and
> a duty to demand
> and to secure such a government. If those in power
> will not fulfill
> their Constitutional duty to serve the people, then
> we must remove
> them and replace them with those who will.
> We, the People of the United States of America ,
> deserve better than
> we have been getting.
> We must demand a government which
> (1) follows the Constitution,
> (2) honors the truth, and
> (3) serves the people.
> We Patriots can bring about such a government by
> electing Patriots to
> Congress and recruiting Patriots already in
> government to our cause.
> It is always tempting to start yet another political
> party, but our
> system makes such a course futile. Until we have
> instant runoff voting
> (IRV), proportional representation, real campaign
> finance reform,
> re-regulation of the media, and debates involving
> all political
> parties, no third party can win the presidency or
> more than a handful
> of seats in Congress.
> Accordingly, "The Patriots" is not a political
> party, but a
> nonpartisan organization of patriotic Americans
> seeking to return our
> country to Constitutional government based on truth
> and in service of
> the people. For now, we operate as a project of the
> non-profit
> Institute for Space and Security Studies, a 501c(3)
> organization. Our
> immediate mission is to educate the American people
> on the issues. In
> the future, we may form a "Patriot PAC" to support
> candidates for
> public office and to promote specific legislation.
> We also intend to
> form a Patriot Caucus including members of Congress
> from all political
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