1. "Music for White People," music album, The Order.
2. "Book of Monotheism," Muhammed idn Sulaiman al-Tamimi.
3. "Letters of the Kuban Rada of the Spiritual Ancestral Power of Rus'", N. M. Lezinskii, V. M. Gerasev.
4. "For Russian People," newspaper.
5. "The Eternal Jew" (1940), movie
6. "Mother Earth: the Miraculous Miracle, the Marvellous Marvel. An Introduction to Geobiology," A. A. Dobrovol'skii.
7. "Paganism as Magic," A. A. Dobrovol'skii.
8. Who is Afraid of Russian National Socialism," A. A. Dobrovol'skii.
9. "The Judeo-Christian Plague," A. A. Dobrovol'skii
10. "Svatoslavie," A. A. Dobrovol'skii.
11. One Day We Will Come from Rotten Tomatoes . . .," A. A. Nikolaevnko.
12. "The SS Will Knock on Your Door, You Bastards . . .)," A. A. Nikolaevnko.
13. "Fulfilling the Wishes of the Lord's Thought," A. A. Nikolaevnko.
14. "The Most Constructive Party)," A. A. Nikolaevnko.
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