> Why hasn't Cuba had a regular transfer of power? Is it because the so-called
> "Cuban revolution" is really just a typical small country coup that has
> become permamently enshrined with socialist trappings.
> Doesn't this question also point out the folly of pursuing a socialist
> statist revolution in one country?
> Chuck
Cuba is a typical post-revolutionary state? I never knew how successful the other Caribbean, South American, and Central American states that underwent similar revolutions really were. Which one of them sends as many doctors abroad as Cuba? Which one of them has a literacy rate to rival Cuba? What other post-revolutionary states have statistical similarities to Cuba and what are they?
Cuba may not be utopia but it is hardly typical. If this is the best rebuttal you have you don't a rebuttal at all.
Since the ultimate fate of Cuba's socialist state has yet to be written it points out the folly of nothing except to sooth-seers.
John Thornton