> Many list members have quite curious names or addresses, some
> motivated by a need for privacy, but all of them it seems are chosen
> to reflect something about themselves, their thoughts, etc. I am
> starting this thread out of curiousity -- if you have an id that is
> non-obviously named, what is the story behind it?
I make no effort to conceal my identify but my address, if not obvious, is in reference to the first part of Pynchon's _Gravity's Rainbow_: Beyond The Zero. Merely because it was one of those (at the time) life-changing books.
-- PGP RSA Key ID: 0x1F6A4471 aim: beyondzero123 PGP DH/DSS Key ID: 0xAFF35DF2 yahoo msg: beyondzero123 http://blogdayafternoon.com
We cannot separate the air that chokes from the air upon which wings beat.
-John Perry Barlow