[lbo-talk] Sun beams from billionaire's behind

Michael Smith mjs at smithbowen.net
Wed Jun 20 16:18:28 PDT 2007

On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 18:28 -0400, Doug Henwood wrote:
> Just what are the Dems blocking? The revolutionary urge of
> the masses? When they fall, this frustrated and hitherto unexpressed
> revolutionary urge will spontaneously organize itself into a party
> and program?

Well, you never know. These things happen when they happen. I'm not holding my breath, personally, but then I don't think history is over, either. No telling what will trigger it. It's like earthquake prediction.

The main thing that the disappearance of the Democrats would clear away is a massive apparatus of political fraud -- a stultifying shell-game that absorbs people's constructive energies and turns those energies against them and their purposes. People would be infinitely better off sitting at home and watching Jenna Jameson on the Web than working to elect Democrats -- even if that were all they did, and I don't think it would be. Even Jenna Jameson is finite.

> If there were all this bottled-up lust for
> transformative politics, why couldn't Ralph break 5%?

Fear? Ignorance? Indoctrination? (What's magical about 5%, anyway?)

We lefties are oddly fond of arguing both sides of a question. We're committed -- are we not? -- to a fundamentally positive view of the capacities and destiny of humankind, and yet we delight in hymning the adamantine obduracy of our fetters.

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