36% of the Americans are simply goners. The rest either don't have the courage of convictions or are too beaten down to do anything.
<http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2006/10_october/19/poll.shtml> Press Releases World citizens reject torture, global poll suggests Category: World Service Date: 19.10.2006
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The poll suggests 59% of the world's citizens are unwilling to compromise on the protection of human rights; however 29% of those polled think governments should be allowed to use some degree of torture in order to combat terrorism.
Most Americans asked (58%) are against any use of torture.
But opposition to torture in the United States is less robust than in Europe and the percentage of Americans favouring the practice in certain cases (36%) is one of the highest among the 25 countries polled.
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There is however somewhat less support for outlawing torture in several countries that have suffered terrorism attacks or political violence including India, where slightly more respondents (32%) favour relaxing the rules against torture than not (23%).
The largest percentage endorsing torture was found in Israel. Forty-three percent of those polled say some degree of torture should be allowed, though slightly more (48%) think the practice should be prohibited. -- Yoshie