[lbo-talk] 15% of the Population, 2 Hours per Weekend (was Development of Political Underdevelopment)

Chuck chuck at mutualaid.org
Sat Mar 24 20:40:19 PDT 2007

Michael Perelman wrote:
> I don't think that people are lazy about volunteering, but that the left has not
> given people a compelling reason -- showing how their effort will lead to concrete
> results.

Right. We need to deliver on our promises, even if they are small intermediate steps. People want to see something happening, which is one reason why they've deserted the anti-war movement. You need to give people victories, even if they are small ones.

I disagree with Carrol's pessimism, because I think the left has accomplished quite a bit in recent years. We just don't do a very good job of recognizing our successes and explaining them to people in our movements. It's muc easier to hate ourselves and preach to each other that we are powerless.


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