[lbo-talk] Time Use studies

Wojtek Sokolowski swsokolowski at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 25 07:59:21 PDT 2007

--- James Heartfield <Heartfield at blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

> The difference between the working class and the
> professional-managerial
> class as far as working hours goes, is that the
> latter control their working
> environment, and so are at liberty to hang out
> there, as they are pleased
> to.

[WS:] I categorically disagree. The managerial class my have an illusion of control by the absence of such obvious external control mechanisms like punch-cards or rigid time schedules, but they are under intense pressure to work overtime. If they refuse, their career is over.

Nobody epects a janitor or a secretary to stay past 5PM,let alone work at home, but it is expected that profesional or managerial workers will stay as long as needed. This system works to the benefit of wage workers, actually, who can simpl pack and leave,and file a grievance if theier bosses retaliate. managerial workers have no such protections - an dthis why a common union busting strategy in this country is define positons as "managerial."

I fully agree with Doug, managers and professional workers work much harder and longer hours than wage workers. The difference lies maninly in the symbolic status recognition that the former receive.


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