1. Liberation movements 2. Closely followed by libertines 3. Remotely followed by liberals (US) 4. Closely followed by libertarians.
--- Charles Brown <cbrown at michiganlegal.org> wrote:
> andie nachgeborenen
> TJG is right that US usage is confusing almost
> everywhere else, where "liberal" means what we call
> "libertarian," "libertarian" means "left wing
> anarchist," and "conservative" means "stupid and
> proud
> of it."* We don't actually have any conservatives in
> America, just "liberals" (right wing libertarians)
> and
> "moderates" -- formerly was, "liberals," which means
> people who are scared to be social democrats, i.e.,
> in
> America, "communists."
> ^^^^^^
> CB: Yes, then there are liberation movements and
> libertines,too.
> --
> ___________________________________
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