[lbo-talk] Narmada Dam (was Arundhati Roy etc.)

tfast tfast at yorku.ca
Sat Mar 31 19:03:38 PDT 2007

> Travis:
> What has been the block to pan africanism? If your initial analysis is
> correct it savages your proposed solution.
> [WS:] It was not a solution but a thought experiment. The problem, as I
> it, is structural contradictions of African states that make investment
> difficult. I do not really know how to solve that problem - the Hobbesian
> idea that I proposed was just one possible approach, especially that
> pan-Africanism was once quite popular among intellectual elites of that
> continent. But I am all ears to other proposals.
> Wojtek
But Woj what I am trying to get you think about is that your so called Hobbesian thought experiment finds a direct referent in all three modernization strategies attempted by the Ethiopian state over the last one hundred years. And one could argue with ample evidence that it was precisely this Hobbesian modernizing state that resulted in the ethnicization of Ethiopian politics today. In short you are conducting a mind experiment which has been conducted tried and failed. And there are actually projects in place which have taken stock of these failures which reject the bipolar opposition between "un-modern" and "modern".

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