Okay, since I am kind of a Critical Realist... I read this and was gobsmacked!!!
"Liberty is more than consumer choice; and it is also more than irony. The
British Marxist philosopher, Roy Bhaskar, in a detailed critique of the
liberal constructivism of Richard Rorty, notes that once we have identified
the sources of injustice or cruelty or social stagnation, once we have
formulated a language in which to think about them, we are bound to be
involved, like it or not, in an incipient process of public change - 'action
rationally directed to transforming, dissolving or disconnecting the
structures and relations which explain the experience of injustice'
(Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom, Oxford 1991, p.72). Shifts in language
and explanation that arise in the wake of critical understanding are bound
to make different kinds of action and therefore different kinds of decision
possible. Not to act in the public sphere in consequence of such new
possibilities is to make an active choice for stagnation. If ironic
redescription is no more than words it is not really ironic at all; it
remains dependent on the systems and power-relations it claims to
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