[lbo-talk] the re-making of bogota

Yoshie Furuhashi critical.montages at gmail.com
Mon May 7 10:01:19 PDT 2007

On 5/7/07, Doug Henwood <dhenwood at panix.com> wrote:
> [Someone sent me this out of the blue - don't know anything else
> about this but it sounds interesting.]
> <http://www.earth-policy.org/Books/Seg/PB2ch11_ss7.htm>
> Cities for People
> The world's cities are in trouble. In Mexico City, Tehran, Bangkok,
> Shanghai, and hundreds of other cities, the quality of daily life is
> deteriorating. Breathing the air in some cities is equivalent to
> smoking two packs of cigarettes per day. In the U.S., the number of
> hours commuters spend sitting in traffic going nowhere climbs higher
> each year.
> In response to these conditions, we are seeing the emergence of a new
> urbanism. One of the most remarkable modern urban transformations has
> occurred in Bogotá, Colombia, where Enrique Peñalosa served as Mayor
> for three years, beginning in 1998.

It is said that Enrique Peñalosa, the author of Capitalismo: La mejor opción among other things, will be a candidate in the 2010 Colombian presidential election, so no doubt he's already campaigning for the votes that matter most: those of policy- and opinion-makers in the US of A.

The pro-American liberal man is perfect for that constituency, but Colombians don't seem to like him all that much.

<http://www.ciponline.org/colombia/blog/archives/000234.htm> Plan Colombia and Beyond CIP's running commentary about U.S. policy toward Colombia and Latin America, with a focus on peace, security and military issues.

March 10, 2006 Sunday's congressional elections

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Por el País que Soñamos (For the Country We Dream Of)

The political grouping of former Bogotá Mayor Enrique Peñalosa, who decided not to run as a Liberal Party presidential candidate this year. Instead, Peñalosa first briefly ran for president against Uribe, then quit and now heads the Senate candidate list for this political movement, which declares itself to be 100 percent pro-Uribe.

Enrique Peñalosa Londoño

Supports the president's immediate re-election and the "Justice and Peace" law. Supports the implementation of the free-trade agreement with the United States. Supports the de-penalization of abortion in special cases and is ambiguous about the rights of gay couples. Does not have a system of internal democratic procedures and decisions are made by Enrique Peñalosa himself.

<http://www.ciponline.org/colombia/blog/archives/000235.htm> Plan Colombia and Beyond CIP's running commentary about U.S. policy toward Colombia and Latin America, with a focus on peace, security and military issues.

March 13, 2006 Legislative elections: 8 observations

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"Insiders" whose defeats were surprising included pro-Uribe former Bogotá mayor Enrique Peñalosa. . . .

<http://www.rebelion.org/plancolombia/040504nin.htm> Los niños colombianos en la "ruleta rusa" del capitalismo salvaje Federico Sarmiento Rebelión . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

El "Trasmilenio", tal como lo promocionaron los alcaldes Enrique Peñalosa (vástago de pedigree de la oligarquía bogotana) y el aventurero Antanas Mockus, hacía parte del paquete de desmantelamiento del patrimonio público de Bogotá, del "empoderamiento" de los negocios privados, a nombre de las exigencias transnacionales de la "competitividad". -- Yoshie

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