The question is what are real socialists going to do about it. It is a real problem you know.
> Andie:
> "The average life of the ordinary citizen ... in Hitler's
> Germany, was an improvement over the past."
James replies:
> I don't believe that is true for the wage earners. There were longer
> less wages, resoures were redirected from the production of consumer goods
> to armaments. Tens of thousands were prosecuted for breaching labour
> discipline, and thousands executed - all of which added to a climate of
> terror in the workplace. Also, notwithstanding the ideological commitment
> the peasants, they were pretty much abolished as a class. There was
> obviously some glamour to the military victories of 1939-40, but in
> terms they presaged a return of the austerity policies of 1933-35. An
> improvement over the past? Not over the boom years of '23-'25, and
> frustrating as the inflation was, it was those with a lot of savings that
> really suffered more than wage earners.
> As to the material advantages of Stalin's Russia, I think they would be
> pretty hard to justify, as opposed maybe to the post-Stalin era. Stalin's
> rule involved some brutal industrialisation, wartime austerity, a famine
> the liquidation of the kulaks, which were all pretty grim.
> ___________________________________