> On May 13, 2007, at 5:48 PM, James Heartfield wrote:
> > Maybe. My answer would be to look at what has changed - principally
> > the
> > declining role of organised labour, which leaves people in an
> > unmediated
> > relationship with their employers. That makes them more vulnerable.
> > And it
> > makes them feel even more vulnerable.
> Dunno, but my sense is that the people who complain most about the
> time crunch are members of the professional/managerial class. The BLS
> time use survey shows leisure declining stairstep as education rises.
> Doug
That is kind of odd as it is the old blue collar occupations which have the highest hours which have been pretty stable since 64. It is services including professional services along with financial services that have been declining.
see: ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/suppl/empsit.ceseeb2.txt