[lbo-talk] The NAFTA Superhighway Urban Myth

Anthony Kennerson anthonyk6319 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 08:53:54 PST 2007

Responding to B, hencewith:

-- Rick Perry might be a putrid sack of crap -- and he is; here in Austin I can smell him miles away -- but this does not mean any and everything his administration has ever proposed, believe it or not, is inherently evil. Trans-Texas Corridor as public road versus TTC as private tollway are two very different things. TTC as private tollway -- no way I'd *ever* support that. [/B]

Now, I'm not saying that the TTC doesn't address real needs for infrastructure in Texas, or that it is totally not needed; indeed, Austin and San Antonio do have and are further developing an extensive tollway system which would compliment the I-35 corridor in moving traffic and goods thoughout that region. But....I think that direct upgrades and widening to I-35 proper (and perhaps a freeway/tollway upgrade to outer beltways along San Antonio) would be a much less expensive solution than the TTC private tollway option. And I-35 does need to be seriously widened beyond two lanes in each direction...that's just not right.

And I do agree with you on public roadways....I would support ultimately lifting the tolls on all of the newly built tollways in Austin and SA as soon as the bonds are paid off...but that would deny the folks at TXDOT a cash cow for selling them off to more private companies and gouging the road users.

-- Let me explain about not everything coming from perry's admin. being evil: It was also Perry's administration's idea to have girls in public schools inoculated against HPV. Reducing chances of cervical cancer in them greatly. I thought that actually sounded reasonable. One of the few things I think I've ever, ever supported him. Parents could opt-out. (That part was not highly publicized.)

Who were Perry's enemies on this? Conservatives! The vaccine would cause female promiscuity! And then right-wing AM radio went on that Perry had made some shady back-room deal with Merck to make the vaccine standardized. What the fuck! This, even when study after study had shown the vaccine would reduce cancer! I couldn't believe it. The one time he comes up with something good, the Bible-thumpers mobilize against it. [/B]

I would share that sentiment too, were it not for the fact that the connections between some of Goodhair's aides who were lobbyists for Merck and getting paid directly by them while the vaccine was being pushed were and are stukk a bit too scummy for my taste. Also, there was some concern that the vaccines were being thrown out without any real testing for side effects, and would not be made available to poor or working-class girls without prohibitive costs. Still, it was expected that some of Perry's Xian Right base would bring up the "promotiing promiscuity" card in their opposition to the vaccine.

. Anthony

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