Perot campaigned on two issues: against federal deficits and against NAFTA (on the stupid-rightist premise that NAFTA would benefit "Mexico" at the expense of "America"). The second issue had zero effect on the Repugnicon and Dumbocrat candidates who fully realized that NAFTA was the #1 priority of US monopoly capital. But the first issue was absolutely poisonous--it pushed (Repugnicons) and pulled (Dumbocrats) to the right and wiped out any meaningful Congressional opposition to the Clintons' socially regressive budget-balancing "reforms." In the next election, however, the effect of a (most unlikely) meaningful 3rd-party campaign on the issues of militarism and civil liberty would manifestly be the inverse of the Perot effect.
Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things...It consents and does not consent to be called Zeus."
Herakleitos of Ephesos