[lbo-talk] Michael Lerner tattles: the state of the antiwar movement

Chuck chuck at mutualaid.org
Tue Sep 11 16:56:57 PDT 2007

Doug Henwood wrote:
> [Thanks to Lou Proyect for pointing this out. His comments are at
> <http://louisproyect.wordpress.com/2007/09/11/eavesdropping-on-a-
> phone-conference/>.
> The original transcript is at
> <http://www.spiritualprogressives.org/article.php?
> story=20070907191110516&mode=print>.]
> <http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0907/5723.html>
> Anti-war leaders stymied, frustrated
> By: Mike Allen
> September 10, 2007 07:32 PM EST

> Lerner — who is based in Berkeley, Calif., and is a leader of what he
> calls "the religious left" — told Politico in a phone interview on
> Sunday that he concluded from the call that the anti-war movement
> does not have a long-term strategy, even though the war "is going to
> continue through the end of President Bush's administration" and
> perhaps into the term of the next president.

This is like a real life replaying of that moment in John Carpenter's "They Live" where Roddy Piper dons the glasses for the first time and see what really lies beneath obvious "reality."

Lerner is now learning that the anti-war movement has no strategy? What's it going to take to get him and others to listen to those of us who have been saying this for year? Marching around in circles is not a strategy. Electing Democrats is not a strategy.

You want strategy? Bring the anti-war movement out to Independence, Missouri for a visit to the Lake City ammo plant. That plant supplies *all* of the small arms ammunition being used in the ongoing war. Shut down that plant for a week and you'll have the warmongers by the balls.

Maybe what we need is a Moveon anti-war group that tells the current leadership of the anti-war movement to cook something or get out of the kitchen.


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