All true. I have always found you a decent sort of chap, brimming with conscience and other good stuff, so the point of my post (unlike Carrol's more avuncular exegesis) was not to characterise your literary output.
My post could use you as an explicatory device though, if I may: A while ago, Andie wrote (regarding, IIRC, your defence of / fondness for pomo) that you suffer a discord between style and taste (your style being crisp, analytical, etc while your taste tends towards pomoesque aria). In a similar fashion, perhaps, I think there is a lack of reconciliation, dare I say a wilful differentiation, between intuition (decency, conscience, etc) and ideology/image ([analyical] correctness, sophistication, syntax, etc) to be found in you (viewed as a representative of the global North) ... a strange matter of throwing the baby out to save the bathwater!
If that all sounds like a load of rot, that's because it probably is!