OK, I've resisted replying because this site is humor, and if you have to explain humor, well, then.....you probably shouldn't try.
But why not!
This site is mocking a particular type of person, who sees themselves as sophisticated, smart, cosmopolitan, and socially-conscious. Probably left-leaning, high-income, college educated, coast-dwelling, and - white!
Maybe that is why it seems dumb - because it hits too close to home? The site is clearly written by someone just like that who realized he/she was part of a group just like any other kind of social/cultural group so this person decided to poke fun of some of the norms within this group and identify some stereotypes.
I think you miss the point if your first thought is that "more folks of color...are supportive of universal h/c than whites...". The funny parts were about Michael Moore documentaries and just wanting Universal Health Care because they have it in Europe and anything from Europe is cool. Oh and it makes us think we can be a freelance-whatever, or, just feel good about having the option. Ha!
I find this site funny as hell at the same time I recognize that so very many of them apply to me and people I know. It is a healthy smack in the face to make sure we aren't playing hipper/lefter-than-thou. It is also a reality check that so much of what passes for social-consciousness is really just posturing from a position of privilege and an obnoxious sense of entitlement.
But that's just my $.02.
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My top-level question about Sept. 11 is, do we really want to live in a world in which U.S. intelligence can detect every half-million-dollar, 20-person, two-year activity?
-Whitfield Diffie