> Besides, did astronauts really carry hand-guns when they went to the
> moon?
> Do they carry them now?
John, don't suck the fun out of the image of Shagarella shooting her way across moon chasms as moon-monsters nip at her 6" astro-pumps. This is an old exercise appropriated by corporations to teach skills in setting priorities and teamwork (it is usually a group activity). In NASA's own ranking the guns are near the bottom, but above bulky foods (the list has food covered with something non-bulky), solar powered heater (useless on dark side, not needed on light), a magnetic compass, and lastly - a box of matches.
So I doubt astronauts are really bringing weapons. Far more frightening is that they bring along our future evil robot overlord:
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I am the resurrection and I am the life, I couldn't bring myself to hate you as I'd like.
-Ian Brown