[lbo-talk] South Ossetia

Dwayne Monroe dwayne.monroe at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 07:50:10 PDT 2008


Now that it appears the little Pinochet wannabe fuckhead Saakashvilli's political career is over and my sense of moral outrage has been assuaged (shelling a city with Grad missile systems during a ceasefire at the start of the Olympics -- Jesus Christ!), I'm starting to get really fucking depressed.


Jesus Christ, they used Grad launchers?!

For those who don't know what the Grad is and how it operates, I suggest viewing this video:


Imagine many such units pointed in your direction. Terror, death and ruin.

Although the usual suspects have eagerly come out to bemoan the supposedly bloodthirsty aggression of the Russians, and to make morally pretty speeches about who's the greater thug and who deserves our 'support' (as if this hackneyed lefty concept, a conceptual phantom limb from more cohesive days, has any meaning in the 21st century) the fact is: if Pres. Chomsky and VP Gandhi faced the Kremlin's situation there would've been a military response.

And yeah, it's all very depressing. None of it had to happen. Washington's incoherent meddling put ideas in people's heads. Ideas which flattered Saakashvilli's vanity while cruelly elevating the hopes of many others.

Now it's just yet another bloody mess.


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