[lbo-talk] Image Restoration via Truthiness: American Media and Russia

Dwayne Monroe dwayne.monroe at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 11:30:57 PDT 2008


...my point wasn't that there was an exact correspondence between what the U.S. has done in Haiti and what Russia is doing in Georgia, but that Dwayne's invocation of "neighborhood" as an explanation/justification for what Russia is doing is a pretty flimsy one, and one pretty easily turned into something else. "Neighborhood" is synonymous with "sphere of influence," as far as I can tell.


Aw c'mon, this is just fancy footwork around the most pressing issue.

My "invocation" of neighborhood wasn't an "explanation/justification for what Russia is doing", it was a simple acknowledgment of the map coordinates. In fact, as I've stated 4.5 million times (give or take) it was the Georgian assault which provided the "explanation/justification".

And note how, once again, those missiles and shells...those missiles and shells falling on people, get edited right out of the ad hoc graduate seminar you seem to be trying to conduct. We're moving down very different tracts.

I'm asking: how do you stop an assault on a city? You're asking just about everything but that.

Re: the US' Monroe Doctrine adventurism in its own 'neighborhood'...

I think Wendy Lyons, John T. and I have explained why your analogy is about a galaxy's width of distance from apropos.

Goodnight, everybody!


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