Yet, would it not be nice if women/teenagers/children would not have to have "trying circumstances"? Procreation should not even be considered a "trying circumstance" and yet it is. And it should also not be "only" women helping each other out, in the end (as allegedly depicted in "Juno". I have not seen the movie so I cannot tell) all of the social environment should be there for the mother-to-be and not make it even harder for her to give birth and raise a child because of various reasons they or society in general have. Child-bearing and -raising simply has not the standing in society and with most people which it should have... So we make it easier for women to decide against pregnancy and lie to them that abortion is a freedom women have, whereas it really is a restriction of their inherent freedom to be able to give birth and keep humanity going so there is a future that can be changed for the better...