> B wrote:
>> If Hillary wins the Dem candidacy and doesn't get
>> Edwards on board, I don't know who she would pick as
>> VP. Not many viable people leap out. I can't imagine
>> Obama joining her.
> ============================
> Actually, it wouldn't surprise me to see the Democrats put someone like Jim
> Webb, the former Navy Secretary in the Reagan administration who has a son
> serving in Iraq, on the ticket - whether it's one headed by Clinton or
> Obama - to counter commander-in-chief McCain should the latter win the
> Republican nomination. Webb would also likely be a popular choice with the
> party ranks for his tough public "attitude" towards Bush and his
> Edwards-like populist sentiments.
I think Webb would be very difficult to replace with another Democrat in Red Virginia. Maybe Wesley "Maximum Violence" Clark would be a better choice, he's not doing much these days.