>Ah, I get it. Hate the sin, not the sinner and all that....
>Less cheekily:
>The problem I see in the position you describe here is that when you
>frame it as not being against the sex work or abortion per se, but
>against the oppression that causes people to choose these things,
>you've already singled these things out in a way which can only be
>described as moralistic. The problem is that your position suggests
>to me that you'll *always* find some "oppression" angle to reinforce
>what is effectively your distaste for both.
So in other words the problem is not in what I said, but in what you think I really think. Wondered why people were getting their knickers in a twist.
>Before sending my reply I finished reading the thread. I see you
>proved me right by drawing an analogy between sex work and slavery.
I drew an analogy between all wage work and slavery. And said that both were equally bad, rather than equally good. But you didn't see that, you only saw what you wanted to see.
I wonder why you didn't see that? Perhaps people who work for wages find it uncomfortable to be likened to prostitutes? Is that why so many people are offended? I wonder?
Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas