>Perhaps people who work for wages
>find it uncomfortable to be likened to prostitutes? Is that why so
>many people are offended? I wonder?
>Bill Bartlett
>Bracknell Tas
Maybe people are offended because you are being offensive. You began by comparing prostitutes to slaves, not wage workers. When people pointed out that this was offensive and wrongheaded, you backpedaled and said that's not what you really meant.
And when you say things like:
>I know I wouldn't like to have to spread my legs to earn a crust.
you shouldn't be surprised if people think you're moralizing.
>So in other words the problem is not in what I said, but in what you
>think I really think. Wondered why people were getting their knickers
>in a twist.
This is the kind of thinking that comes from an aversion to theory.