> Is that what HRC wants? If you are happy with your
> current insurance -- if you have any -- you can't stay
> with it?
Nooo ... you misunderstood Max. He was saying that -- today -- no one would go for single payer, single provider. So this is the next best, logical step. I agree, and so does Krugman.
> Also, if Obama says that people must be REQUIRED to
> have insurance, does that mean that, like driving
> without auto insurance, you'd be breaking the law if
> you didn't have it? What the fuck?
Yes, but: what the fuck with with the fuck? You don't think it's a good idea for everyone to have guaranteed, affordable, portable healthcare? What is your position exactly again?
Jeeze kids, can't anyone read for themselves? Do you have to get all your information half-baked on some mailing list, or standing around the water cooler? Read these two pages:
http://www.hillaryclinton.com/feature/healthcareplan/ http://www.barackobama.com/issues/healthcare/
then come back and talk about it.