> [Ws:] I am not an "Obama fan" - but I do think that he
> is likely to be somewhat less servile to corporate
> interests than the rest of the pack. Not voting for
> the war on Iraq, whereas Clinton & Edwards did,
> suggests that he may be more willing to resist
> "barking with the pack." Not that he will go on a
When the Senate voted on the Authorization to use the US Armed Forces against Iraq - H.J.Res. 114 - Obama was a state Senator in Illinois.
So saying "not voting for the war...whereas Clinton & Edwards did" implies he was part of the same government at the time, and he wasn't.
While the US Senate was voting in 2002 to invade Iraq I held a little vote with my friends at our local brew pub and I voted against it, which carried as much weight as what Obama would have been voting in at the time. :)
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For all that faire is, is by nature good; That is a signe to know the gentle blood.
-Edmund Spenser