> But that's precisely the point! You've read me ass-backwards, Marvin.
> The fact that all these comprador regimes are in Washington's sewage
> backwash means we need a major shake-up of world power to cut out that
> hydraulic effect. It's only with a US crash that decoupling is feasible,
> as we learnt in the 1930s.
> The reason for this, of course, is that you comrades have been so
> terribly weak at limiting US power from below. So a crash from above is
> the only thing we have left to give us some hope, if we're offshore.
Well said, Patrick. I'm tempted to post my usual reply to this topic, but I'm going to hold off. You make a good point that a serious crisis within U.S. capitalism would help curtail it's ability to fuck over people in the rest of the world.
Your second point touches on something that makes American leftists uncomfortable. We're so wrapped up in the comfort of living in this country that we prefer to find excuses for inaction. I'm being interviewed by some anarchists in Spain. One of their questions asks why American radicals aren't doing anything to respond to these economic crises. I can understand their puzzlement. Why do American leftists prefer armchair activism over action?