I'm trying to negotiate contracting rates with this staffing agency for microsoft and the dude is driving me totally bonkers because I keep telling him I can't fathom why I'd want to leave my current job to move to a place with a much higher standard of living for anything less than X/hr. dewd keeps calling anyway, with different positions, trying to get me to work for a crappy hourly rate.
It's possible that I'm way off, but i don't think so....
Anyway, I have a line on many other gigs out that way, both seattle and portland. What COL are we talking here? I'm seeing things like $750k median for homes. Gak. That's twice what it is here, and I'm living in a zip that is pricey -- though there are zips that are pricier.
i'll need to start talking bucks soon, so if anyone has a line on what's reasonable for the following, I'd appreciate it:
Sr. UI/UX Lead Developer, Front End or Product Developer or Program Mgr
http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)