Hello all,
I am currently translating a text that makes reference to a letter written from Marx to his Russian translator Danielson in 1879, in which Marx states the following:
"Wie sich nun diese Krise auch entwickeln mag deren detaillierte Beobachtung für den Erforscher der kapitalistischen Produktion und für den professionellen Theoretiker freilich von höchster Wichtigkeit ist , sie wird wie ihre Vorgängerinnen vorübergehen und einen neuen >industriellen Zyklus< mit all seinen verschiedenen Phasen von Prosperität usw. einleiten."
My translation would be:
"However the present crisis might develop - a detailed observation of it is admittedly of paramount importance for the investigator of capitalist production and the professional theoretician - it will, likes its predecessors, blow over and usher in a new "industrial cycle" with all of its various phases of prosperity, etc."
However, I prefer to use the "official" translations available to most English speakers in the Marx-Engels Collected Works, but I do not have those volumes, and the letter in question (19 September, 1879). The original German MEW source is Volume 34, page 372.
Any help is greatly appreciated.