[lbo-talk] Marx on the transience of crises

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Sun Jun 8 07:20:10 PDT 2008

List Mom:

> I've said this many times, but that's never stopped me from saying it
> again. If the left project is so dependent on crisis to do our
> polemical work for us, then we're doomed. If we can't convince people
> that the normal operation of capitalism is unjust, violent,
> alienating, polarizing, etc., then we might as well give up.

One of the nagging problems is that we, the supposed alternative to biz-as-usual, cannot offer people the toys and shiny objects they're used to and cling to. Appealing to and stirring someone's conscience is a noble effort, but ultimately doomed in this diverted and medicated society. Plus, we cannot hope to compete with mass marketing propaganda, which morphs faster than we can write a dissertation examining its effects. It's an awful time, which is why more and more lefties will grab onto Obama's legs for dear life. The Nation's already in the bag.


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