> but seriously: every fast food joint i've gone in, the walmarts, the
> kmarts, etc. they are just filthy and disgusting: stuff falling apart, old
> and crumbling, paint scratched, dirty.
Well, clearly you've never been to a McDonald's "McCafe," <http://www.mcdonalds.com.au/HTML/ourFood/mccafe.asp> which is a classed-up version of the original -- their answer to Starbucks. Fireplaces 'n shit. The one in LA was even designed using Feng Shui <http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/Business/2008/03/02/la_mcdonalds_remodeled_with_feng_shui/5098/>.
Far out, dude. I've never been to one myself, but the one outside the Lowe's I frequent is always pretty busy.
Taco Bell is inherently nasty though. My brother in law once tried to order a beef something-or-other there and was told that that wouldn't be possible because the "meat tube" was clogged.