[lbo-talk] lbo-talk] As border tightens, smugglers raise their game

Mike Ballard swillsqueal at yahoo.com.au
Mon Mar 10 04:58:37 PDT 2008

Steve Robinson posted:

Sun Mar 9, 2008

Naco, Arizona - When U.S. authorities raised a tall curtain of steel through this tiny Arizona border town to prevent people crossing illegally from Mexico, the smugglers on the south side were ready.

Using blowtorches and welding gear they burned a rectangular gate in the barrier large enough to drive a truck through, then they sealed it with a padlock to use it at their leisure, border police say.

As the U.S. government pushes ahead with an unprecedented security buildup along the porous Mexico border in this presidential election year, profit-hungry Mexican drug and human smugglers the length of the line are raising their game.

full: http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSN0662194320080309 *********************

Workers will cross borders to sell their skill for higher wages. That's a fact of wage-slavery AND the market for commodities. As long as the focus of "guilt" is on workers, the campaign for "security" will fail. But hey, that's what it's designed to do. Clog up the the State treasury with funding proposals for more police and scare the living shit out of workers on the other side of the GIANT FENCE with stories about the "brown peril".

Like I've said before, the bourgeoisie has the immigration policy from its government which it wants. If THEY actually desired a stop this game, they'd get their pollies to impose serious criminal penalties on the employing class--five-ten years in the Federal pen for hiring wage-slaves without a passport--foreign ones would have the proper visa. That ain't gonna happen and the whole media circus is about selling newspapers and advertising to an intentionally incensed racialist market. Of course, the capitalist polytricksters make hay out of this issue, promising to be the toughest on 'illegal immigration' at some point in their time in governement either before or after "amnesty" or through some new fangled "Bracero" legislation.

Mike B)

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