My lord. Every time I tune in to WBAI, it's some quack. Now, it's something about Queen someone and her personal story of transformation, creative, artistic processes and for christ sake, it's like some hipster version of a Helen Steiner Rice card. Oh. Goodie. She's talking about connecting to her body at age 7 and an awakening at 17. Christ. Joe Noonan told me this, too, about all the healing quackery and now the spiritual healing folderol. How irritating.
I tune in to the station and stations like WMNF to get political talk, news, opinion, interviews with authors, politicians, etc. Decidedly not wanting to listen to a woman telling me about mucous coming out of all her orifices as a result of body/mind healing and then a miraculous recovery. Once in a while -- like a couple of dedicated shows. But every damn time, it's some quack or some spiritual stuff.
Are people in NYC obsessed with their health and dying or something?
-- Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)