[lbo-talk] Political Action &/or Revolution was State and Capitalism

Mike Ballard swillsqueal at yahoo.com.au
Fri Mar 14 00:38:37 PDT 2008

Ted Winslow wrote:

I don't think this is true of the kind of revolution Marx himself has in mind. Though this doesn't require that individuals be converted to Marxism or even be aware of Marx, it does require that they share the same ends and engage in a kind of praxis that will actually enable them to realize them.

Among other things, as he understands it, the "revolutionary praxis" involved has to "appropriate" the means of production, i.e. it has to have a particular character determined by the particular ends it's supposed to realize one of which is this "appropriation."

Appropriation requires the developed capabilities the means objectify, capabilities developed to some extent by the capitalist labour process itself understood as a "steeling school" and then further developed to the degree required by the revolutionary praxis.


"This appropriation is further determined by the manner in which it must be effected. It can only be effected through a union, which by the character of the proletariat itself can again only be a universal one, and through a revolution, in which, on the one hand, the power of the earlier mode of production and intercourse and social organisation is overthrown, and, on the other hand, there develops the universal character and the energy of the proletariat, without which the revolution cannot be accomplished; and in which, further, the proletariat rids itself of everything that still clings to it from its previous position in society."

Well said and thanks for the reference, Ted. I usually agree with Marx's take on how to bring about a socialist revolution and what the content of a communist revolution would reflect in terms of human social relations. Like Marx, I often disagree with what other self-styled revolutionaries and self-identified socialists' tactics, strategy, vision and goals.

What do I disagree with Marx on? Well, the need to hire a maid for one.

OBU, Mike B)

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